“One is going to raise a swastika The other is doing barricades Then you have the antifa, controlled op, and LGBTQ counter protestes [sic] Also the convoy people were supposed to occupy the financial district in Toronto and arrest people in Ottawa as citizens” - lead organizer Dana Metcalfe
Why are there two official series of rallies?
Second-in-command Dana Metcalfe has canceled the official organization’s involvement in two rallies, including the initial rally in Ottawa organized by first-in-command Kamel. According to insiders, this decision was made in part because of disagreements on whether or not to accept the LGB parts of LGBTQ+ in the movement, with friction revolving around Metcalfe’s support of Gays Against Grooming/Gays Against Groomers. In organizing chats leaked to CSO, Metcalfe said, “We are inclusive of the LGB and no politics Those are the two major differences”.
Here are some resources for countering your local transphobic shout-fest: