None of these organizations are affiliated with this website. We just think they’re neat.
Trans Health Ottawa's Resource Library
From their website: “TRANSHEALTHOTTAWA.ORG was created and is maintained by The Champlain Regional Planning Table (RPT) for Trans, Non-binary, Two Spirit, Intersex and Gender Diverse Health. The RPT is a coalition of community members and service providers working to improve trans, two spirit, non-binary, intersex and gender diverse health in Ottawa and the surrounding areas, funded by Ontario Health East. The RPT operates on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin territory, colonially known as Ottawa.”
From their website: “SAEFTY is Ottawa's only independent youth group run entirely by and for trans and gender diverse youth. SAEFTY provides drop-in programming and community events for trans and gender diverse children, youth, and people of all ages. Some past events have included a t-shirt screen printing workshop and a human library.”
MAX Ottawa
From their website: “The Ottawa Gay Men’s Wellness Initiative (OGMWI) was founded in 2002 by community members advocating for a more holistic vision of gay men’s health. The OGMWI worked with public health and other stakeholders to create and launch innovative health promotion strategies for guys into guys (e.g.: syphilis prevention, anti-smoking campaigns).”
Jeunesse idem
Depuis leur site:
“Jeunesse Idem vise à améliorer la qualité de vie des jeunes de 7 à 35 ans gais, lesbiennes, bisexuelLEs, transgenres, transsexuelLEs et en questionnement ainsi que de sensibiliser la population de la région de l'Outaouais face aux réalités de la diversité des orientations sexuelles et des identités de genre.”
Ottawa Trans Library
From their website: “The Ottawa Trans Library houses a collection of books by trans authors, as well as historical, important and interesting works on trans issues and people. You can browse the collection online here. In addition to the lending collection, there is a free library of books unrelated to trans issues.
We are a social space in addition to being a library. You don’t need to borrow a book. Oppressed people have always needed spaces where they can be safe, gather, meet new people and talk.” -
Kind Space
From their website: “Kind Space is a community centre in Ottawa – unceded Algonquin territory – that offers resources, events, social and educational programming. Our work celebrates, supports, and prioritizes oppressed sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions.”
From their website: “Momentum runs programming and advocacy campaigns that help 2SLGBTQIA+ people thrive. Our areas of focus — confronting hate, promoting mental health, realizing the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ children and youth, and ending gender-based violence — guide our work alongside 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.
Momentum presses governments and decision-makers to take action on 2SLGBTQIA+ human rights, health, safety, and justice. Working alongside and in collaboration with other stakeholders, we drive transformative change for 2SLGBTQIA+ people.” -
From their website: “The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) intersectionally promotes diversity in gender identity, gender expression, and romantic and/or sexual orientation in all its forms on a national level through services in the areas of education, health, and advocacy. Our resources and programming can be used to uplift gender and sexual minorities, as well as give them tools to wider populations in building allyship.”
Trans Outaouais
Depuis leur site:
“Trans Outaouais est un organisme à but non-lucratif dont la mission est de promouvoir le développement de relations harmonieuses au sein de la communauté LGBTQIA2S+ et de favoriser l'inclusion et l'épanouissement des personnes transidentitaires, ainsi que toutes les autres intersections.”